Funeral Arrangements for Detroit Fire Chief Chaplain Allen McNeeley



Allen J. McNeeley

Chief Chaplain

Lived: 08/22/1927 to 10/26/2013
Served: information to come


Firefighter please wear Class A uniforms while paying your respects.


Visitation: Friday, November 1, 2013
9:00am – 9:00pm
Family Hour – 6:00pm – 7:00pm
Tribute Service – 7:00pm – 9:00pm

James H. Cole Home for Funerals
Northwest Chapel – 16100 Schaefer Hwy.
Detroit, MI


Service: Saturday, November 2, 2013
Repast at Church Hall following mass

Blessed Sacrament Cathedral
9844 Woodward Ave
Detroit, MI


Private Interment:

Holy Sepulchre Cemetery
Southfield, MI


Firefighter please wear Class A uniforms while paying your respects.


rev mcneeley

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12 thoughts on “Funeral Arrangements for Detroit Fire Chief Chaplain Allen McNeeley

  1. Rev. McNeely was a gentle giant who absolutely loved the men and women of the DFD. Whether he was teaching a class, counseling an individual, preaching a sermon, responding to a hospital or simply walking around 250 W. Larned, we knew how incredibly blessed we were to have this man of God praying for us and with us. He wasn’t paid much; it didn’t matter: his calling was that of a servant and serve he did. He could not have had a vertical connection without first having a horizontal connection. Relationships mattered to him. Mitch Albom said “death ends a life not a relationship”. We are so rich because of our relationship with the Reverend. Rest in peace Sir, our relationship has been sealed.

  2. Deacon McNeeley was a man of strong principles and strong faith. He knew more about Black Catholics in Detroit than anyone I have ever met. His presence will be deeply missed!

  3. Most gracious Man I knew, Will miss him Deeply . My Prayers are With his family always

  4. Reverend McNelley always had great things to say about Detroit Fire Fighters. He always had words of encouragement and appreciation, no matter what the circumstances were facing the DFD. The DFFA, Local 344 will miss his optimism, dedication and true goodness. He has left a void within our department in a time where our members need his guidance the most. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family. Thank you, Reverend McNeeley!

  5. Chief Chaplain McNeeley a true servant of God, a dedicated trainers for chaplains who trained me to serve others will truly be missed. I thank God for preparing an eternal home for him where he can continue to share with God’s Angels. I am praying for the McNeeley family and all the people that he served. I am asking the Lord to give you peace.
    Chaplain, Bert Slater

  6. A dear friend and confidant, tough as nails with simply a look, yet gentle and compassionate to all. He will be deeply missed. My thoughts and prayers for him and his families (at home and the department).

  7. Reverend McNeeley was a father to most, a spiritual father to many and a friend to all. His presence will be sorely missed.

  8. A true loss to the department members and their families. I will keep him and his family in my prayers!

    1. A Godly man who touched the lives of many in the Fire Service and in the community. His blessings at the Chiefs meetings were always filled with wisdom, compassion and gratitude. Rest in peace Chief Chaplain McNeeley.

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