Chief 4 Bauman Injured – March 3, 1958

Today in Detroit Fire Department History, March 3, 1958

Fred Bauman, Chief of Detroit Fire Batallion 4, was injured seriously today when a fire-weakened second floor on which he was standing gave way, hurling him 16 fee to the ground floor.

Bauman, 56, fell at Irving School after the building had been ransacked and set afire by vandals.  He suffered multiple fractures of the left side and possible spinal injuries. Firemen estimated damage at $25,000.

Source: Ironwood Daily Globe, March 3, 1958


Irving School was located at 94 W. Willis, between Woodward and Cass.   This area is now the 1st Battalion.

The building was originally built in 1882 and served for years as a K-6 elementary school .

irving elementary school

Irving Elementary School


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