Prayers for Baby Violet, daughter of a Detroit Firefighter

When Detroit Firefighter Jason Francis and his wife welcomed Baby Violet into this world they never dreamed that their feisty, red-headed bundle of joy would be facing a monumental battle for health at just 4 months

In September doctors discovered that Baby Violet has a spinal tumor. She has been hospitalized for several weeks as they work to diagnose exactly what the tumor is and how best to treat it. During this time Baby Violet has battle respiratory distress, high blood pressure, and fluid building up in her chest. As her health declined, she was airlifted to University of Michigan Motts Childrens’ Hospital.  Her parents and big brother Tommy (age 6) are asking that you keep Baby Violet in your prayers.

Please leave a message of encouragement for Baby Violet’s family
in the comment section at the bottom of this page.

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Jason’s Detroit Firefighter family and friends are working to help alleviate the extreme financial burden this extended hospital stay has placed on Baby Violet’s family. Although Violet has medical insurance the expense that are not covered are adding up very quickly. Co-workers and friends have planned a Spaghetti Dinner Benefit and are accepting monetary donations to help the Francis family.donate heart    2014100795184449

Please reach into your heart and give. Although we can’t ease Baby Violet’s struggle, we can help lessen the financial burden this family is bearing.  Thank you.



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