Bomberos Give Back Party
“Bomberos Give Back” has been collecting donations, organizing fund raisers and coordinating the “adoption” of Christmas families.
Join in the celebration of the holiday season and help with the effort. Everyone is Welcomed. Bring a cash donation or unwrapped gift. Childrens’ toys, store gift cards, and warm clothing are especially needed.
November 22nd, 2014 – 5:00pm – 2:00 am
Abick’s Bar
3500 Gilbert Street
Detroit, MI 48210
(View Map)
Donate to Bomberos Give Back
Cash donations can be made through Paypal,
or dropped of in the collection jar at Abick’s Bar.
There is also a collection box for gifts located at Abick’s.
Suggested gifts include unwrapped toys, gift cards, and warm clothing.
Adopt a Christmas Family
For more information about adopting a Christmas family contact:
Firefighter David Handley, E-35 – (248) 761-3265
Sgt. Sam Vazquez, E-29 – (313) 670-0255
Yari Handley –– (734) 386-9327
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